Company Treasures

Browse the extensive collection of Shipwrights' treasures collected over the years.

Paintings, Engravings & Prints

Oil Painting of Shipwright’s Arms
Oil Painting of Shipwright’s Arms

Oil painting Formerly in the possession of the father of ...

Oil on Canvas Shipwrights’ Arms
Oil on Canvas Shipwrights’ Arms

Commissioned by the Company 1782, and based on the Shipwrights' ...

Framed Grant of Supporters to the Company’s Arms
Framed Grant of Supporters to the Company’s Arms

Hand painted and lettered on vellum for the College of Arms, London. It ...

Framed grant of arms to the Company
Framed grant of arms to the Company

TO ALL AND SINGULAR to whom these presents shall come, ...

Grant of Arms to the Company of Shipwrights of Redrith
Grant of Arms to the Company of Shipwrights of Redrith

College of Arms, 1605;  framed 1982. In the transcription below the ...