Shipwrights' Lectures

In 2011 The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, with the support of the University of Southampton, laid the foundation for a series of Annual Lectures to be presented to apprentices, young shipwrights, students and graduates by invited industry leaders. The purpose being to inspire and motivate young people engaged in the UK’s £3 billion unique international position in the super yacht, yacht and boat design and building industry. The annual lectures are held in Southampton each year and are free to all attendees.

The 2024 Annual Shipwrights’ Lectures will be held on Tuesday 15 October 2024 at the MAST Mayflower Studios, Southampton.  Do save the date and come and join us!  The Press Release can be found here.

2021 saw the Lectures move to their new venue at MAST Mayflower Studios in Southampton City Centre and have been held there ever since. The 2023 Lectures took place on 17 October 2023 and were widely regarded as one of the best yet!  

Our sponsor - Pendennis Shipyard.

In 2021 we announced that Pendennis Shipyard had joined us as the Lead Sponsor for the following three years.  The Shipwrights Company extends its grateful thanks to Pendennis who have been a staunch supporter of the Company's philanthropic activities for years: not only has Pendennis supported the Annual Lectures since its inception in 2011, and sponsored them for the last three years, but they have been great advocates of the King's Silver Medal Competition by sponsoring and supporting the participation of several of their apprentices each year.  Thank you.


Why join us on the day?

  • Inspire your apprentices
  • Create motivated employees
  • Learn from the Industry's best
  • Find out about the latest technologies

Register your employees' attendance at this year's lectures today. Simply click the button below to get started. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at

Play the video below to see the highlights of the 2023 Apprentice Lectures - a video taster of what to expect!

Highlights of previous Shipwrights' Lectures can be re-visited an enjoyed by following this link.

Follow us on Twitter and read the most recent Press Releases for the forthcoming 2024 Shipwrights' Lectures at:  

WCS Lectures 2024 Press Release - Find out who will be taking at this year's Lectures!

WCS Lectures 2023 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2023 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2022 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2022 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2021 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2021 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2019 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2019 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2018 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2018 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2016 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2016 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2015 Press Release - Find out what happened at the 2015 Lectures

WCS Lectures 2014 Press Release - Find out what happened at our 2014 Lectures