Shipwrights' News

Stay up-to-date with developments at the Shipwrights! See below for the latest news items.

Navigate – Magazine of London Nautical School

The London Nautical School (LNS) has sent the following message with a copy of ‘ Navigate’ the school magazine May...
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Tall Ships Youth Trust – Voyage Feedback

The Education and Charities Committee awarded the Tall Ships Youth Trust a grant of £20,000 for 2023-24 as part of...
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Annual Shipwrights vs Ironmongers’ Golf Match

The annual inter-Company Golf Match between the Shipwrights’ Company and the Ironmongers’ Company took pace on June 2024 at Denham...
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City of London Sea Cadets – Annual Report

The Shipwrights’ Company supports and has a close affiliation with the City of London Sea Cadets onboard HMS BELFAST so...
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A Postcard from Ocean Youth Trust Scotland

One of the annual or ‘Standard Donations’ the Shipwrights’ Company makes is to Ocean Youth Trust Scotland who receive a...
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Finishing the Dream: Wetwheels Launch – Mon 13 May 2024

Finishing the Dream.  Liveryman Mr Geoff Holt MBE DL is circumnavigating Great Britain to ‘finish his dream of providing a...
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