Institute for Apprenticeships Launch Event
The Institute for Apprenticeships held an official launch event at Mansion House yesterday evening. The Shipwright’s were in attendance, represented by the Clerk and the Shipwrights’ Apprenticeship Scheme Administrator.
The Institute’s main role is to oversee the developments of the new apprenticeship standards ensuring quality is present at every level including at the very important end point assessment of the training. Emphasis was placed on this by the speakers at the launch; The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, Alderman Andrew Parmley; the Chair of the Institute, Anthony Jenkins and the Minister for Skill and Apprenticeships, Robert Halfon MP.
The highlight of the event was speaking with apprentices themselves and watching a video of three members of the “Apprentices Panel”, the group established to allow apprentices themselves to advise the Institute, describe the impact of apprenticeships on their lives. This we hope to be available to share soon.