Visit to the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton – 20 October 2022

On Thursday 20 October the Immediate Past Prime Warden, Mr Richard Close-Smith TD, led a group of Shipwrights on an exceptional visit to the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton for what was a fascinating and inspiring day.

Professor Ed Hill CBE, a Freeman of the Company, gave an introduction to the school and its output, setting the scene so clearly and answering questions so fulsomely which enabled the visitors to capitalise fully on the department visits.


The Shipwrights’ party was given a wonderful tour that included the Glider and Remote Operated Vehicles workshops, the weird and wonderful creatures held in the Discoveries Collection, the core samples of BOSCORF plus, of course, the autonomous vehicles … who knew there so many Boaty McBoatfaces?

Richard Close-Smith thanked Professor Hill and all of the members of the NOC team for providing a very warm welcome and an enlightening day and presented NOC with a Shipwrights’ plaque, stating that the visitors had loved every minute of the visit.

Look at the noc website:
