Shipwright’s Company Visit to Warsash Marine School – 31 May 2022

The Shipwrights’ Company is extremely grateful to Warsash Maritime School, part of Solent University, who hosted a fabulous visit for members Company in The Spark, East Park Terrace,Southampton on Tuesday 31 May 2022.  The Shipwrights’ party was headed up by Past Prime Warden Mr Doug Barrow MBE, himself a former Warsash alumnus.  Our sincere thanks to Lars Lippuner, the Director, and his team for treating their visitors to an introduction to their new maritime training simulator facilities including the 360-degree ship simulator, standard (270 degree) simulators, the engine room simulator, deck (crane) and tug simulators.


The visitors also saw a recorded display of the remote link to the School’s Ship Handling Centre, at Timsbury Lake where 1/25th scale ship models areused for research and ship handling exercises, providing a unique opportunity for ship’s masters, senior officers and pilots to learn the techniques and skills required for safe ship handling in a variety of close-quarters situations.  This facility is in high demand from UK and overseas officers and pilots and has recently been updated to allow remote control and autonomous monitoring of the model ships from the School’s main ship simulators, thus advancing development and training capability for autonomous ship (MASS) operations.


With considerable experience in developing and delivering officer cadetship programmes, for Deck, Engineer and Electro-Technical Officers, and in addition to its traditional HND and FD based courses, Warash now delivers a MCA and Merchant Navy Training Board approved three-year Bachelors’ Degree Cadetship programme, that provided the fully integrated shore-based and sea experience education and training required for qualification as an OOW/EOOW/ETO.  Warsash Maritime School provides cadet training for nearly 30% of all UK Merchant Navy officer cadets.

Our sincere thanks to Lars Lippuner, the Director, Kunal Anand, Head of Maritime Professional Courses, Associate Professor Zak Bhuiyan, Manager, Maritime Simulation and Ship Handling, Martin Baker, a Senior Lecturer in Ship Simulation, Terry Mills a Technical Manager in Ship Simulation and Joseph Cleary, the Warsash Commercial Manager.  Thanks too, to our own Liveryman Alan Cartwight for setting the day up!
