Shipwrights’ Art Competition 2022 – London Nautical School Prize Winners

The Shipwrights’ Company donates the prize money for an annual art competitiuon at the London Nautical School in Lambeth.  Under normal circumstances members of the Shipwrights’ Court or its Education and Charity Committee judge the entries but the restrictions in place due to Covid-19 made this impossible and this year’s competition was judged by the School.

The four prize winning paintings are shown ot the link below with a brief explanation of each from the head of art.  LNS_Art_Prize_Winners_2022     The prizes awarded were:

£100      – First Prize awarded to Reuben

£75        – Second Prize awarded to Teddy.

£50         – Third Prize awarded to Amadu.

£25         – Fouth Prize awarded to Gabriel.

Congratulations to you all and thank you to all of the artists who entrered and to the staff of the London Nautical School for making the competition happen.
