Postcard from MACS to say thanks!

The Shipwrights’ Company made a donation to assist MACS Charity (Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support) who have sent the following message and the postcard at the link below to thank the Company.

“In response to the wonderful funding that the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights donated through its Responsive Donations Scheme earlier this year, I have great pleasure in attaching a ‘postcard’ from voyage to report back how the funds were used and how it benefitted the blind and visually impaired sailors.

Everyone at MACS remains truly grateful to have this vital support which has given young people affected by MACS this wonderful experience allowing them to benefit from new found independence, confidence and life-skills, and most importantly… with people like them!

Thank you so, so much for making this happen.”

Sailing Report Postcard 2022 – Worshipful Company of Shipwrights
