George Green’s School Prize Giving Event – 23 October 2014
George Green’s School Prize Giving Event – 23 October 2014
Tony Vlasto (5th Warden), in place of the Prime Warden, and William Everard (Past Prime Warden and Governor) attended the George Green’s School Annual Prize Giving at the East Wintergarden, Canary Wharf on 23 October. The Shipwrights’ 1st and 2nd Prizes for Art (with a maritime theme) were presented by the 5th Warden and the quality of the two paintings (by Monika Lepste and Deng Yan Sang respectively) was remarkable. So too was the quality of the musical presentations by the pupils at the event. Also presented were the Shipwrights’ Award for PE, the Eric Shawyer Award for Outstanding Individual Performance on Sports Day and the Shipwrights’ Award for the Form with the Best Attendance. There was a large attendance of pupils and their families and the feeling of achievement and enthusiasm was palpable – not least from the introductory and closing remarks by the school Principal Jill Baker who also spoke, with gratitude and appreciation for the loyal and valuable support given by the Shipwrights.