George Green’s School – An Opportunity to Sail with the Jubilee Sailing Trust
Dear Shipwrights’ Company,
Thank you for thinking of George Green’s School and putting us in touch with the Jubilee Sailing Trust.
We had the most remarkable time on the summer voyage sailing to St Malo in August! I can honestly say, for the students who took part, it was a life changing experience. What an adventure!
We had difficulty in filling all the spaces due to Covid (we had two positive results just prior to sailing..) and one student who had a summer school clash with the voyage dates.
I accompanied two students from here, one of whom is our current Head boy, 6th Former, Abdullah and Laura c, also in 6th Form.
The whole voyage provided a wonderful opportunity for students to meet with people from completely different walks of life and backgrounds and to share perspectives, whilst engaged in sailing the beautiful SV Tenacious. It was a really amazing week.
Abdullah’s comments: “Miss, I can’t believe this! I’m having too much of a good time!” kind of summed up the week.
Laura also grew tremendously in confidence and told me she had made “friends for life” on the voyage.
The Jubilee Sailing Trust and the work it does to get people with disabilities and others sailing is truly phenomenal. The combination of the thrill of sailing a Tall Ship and being part of such a lovely and diverse crew, meant that we all learnt a huge amount from the week.
I can’t thank you enough for sending the opportunity to George Green’s.
I am attaching below a couple of pictures of our students and two others from the London Nautical School.