Shipwrights’ Lectures 2019 – Update
The 2019 Annual Shipwrights’ Lectures will be held on Wednesday October 16th at the Nuffield Theatre, University of Southampton Campus. The programme is, once more, shaping up to provide an information packed and inspirational event.
The Nuffield Café will be open for drinks and snacks from 13.00 and the first Lecture will commence at 14.00.
We took note of your feedback and this year the format will change slightly. There will be more shorter sessions; and an extended interval increasing the possibilities for attendees to network. The Opening Speaker will be a leading figure in the Marine Industry. Followed by the Apprentice Session when two Pendennis Apprentices, together with a Manager who started out as an apprentice there, will discuss their careers to date and their aspirations for the future.
The Panel Discussion will focus on the UK’s international reputation for the design and build of renowned, fast, Sports Boats and Superyacht Tenders. Many thanks to Pascoe International for the superb video below. We are really pleased and honoured that Matt Sheahan, Head of Performance Sailing, Sunset + Vine PLC will again Chair a Panel of Experts comprising Designers, Engineers and Builders.
As previously the Lectures are open to apprentices, boatbuilders, students and graduates. Attendance is free. The only cost to Employers and Colleges being time and travel expenses!
A number of specialist organisations in the Southampton area, including Southampton City College, have agreed to open their facilities for apprentice visits. Details will be announced in due course as attendees will need to make their own arrangements dependent on their interest.
We are delighted that the popularity of the Lectures has increased year on year since 2011. Last year some 400 Apprentices and Boat Builders attended together with their Managers. We very much look forward to welcoming you all again this year.
More details will be in our next update in June, but for now be sure to put the date in your diary.