Company Treasures

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“New” Staff head and mount

“New” Staff head and mount

Engraved below hallmarks: LAMBERT COVENTRY STREET

 Two piece wooden staff with silver mounts made by R H Halford & Son Ltd,London, 1913.

 On 9th. Noveber 1878, the Company was represented in the Lord Mayor’s Procession. For some reason not recorded, the 1702 Beadle’s Sfaff Head was not used. Instead, Mr. George Lambert, silversmith ofCoventry Street, Haymarket, lent a silver model ship for use as the staff head. This must have been a far finer piece than the 1702 staff head, and at thenext Courtmeeting at theAlbionon 19th. Novmber 1878, it was decided to ask Mr. Lambert for a design for a new silver staff head “to supercede the one

at present ordinarily used”. At a subsequent meeting at theAlbionon 7th. February 1879, further discussion “was agreeably terminated by Mr.Sheriff  Bevan intimating his willingness to present one at an expense not to exceed £30, the matter being left in the Clerk’s hands to arrange both as to pattern and price with Mr. George Lambert”. At a Court meeting on 1st. May 1879, Mr. Sheriff Bevan presented the new  staff head, which has been in use ever since.

 The Staff Head consists of a hollow silver sphere encircled on its horizontal axis by a simulated rope,  and surmounted by a full representation of the Shipwrights Arms complete with crest, mantling and motto. The sphere is engraved above the rope circlet:

 Presented to The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights by Thomas Bevan,

Sheriff of London and Middlesex, 1st. May 1879. (maltese cross)

 The staff is in two parts which screw together to shew a silver band with a simulated rope circlet, a plain silver foot, and a plain silver top onto which the staff head slides.

Mr. Bevan was Sheriff 1878-1879.

Silver.    Weight (head): 23 ozs.   Made by George Angell,London, 1879


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